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Dutch villages --> Mazowsze
Następna miejscowo¶ć Next village
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gm. Czosnów, pow. nowodworski, woj. mazowieckie

The settlement was founded in 1798. The Mennonites: Franz Bartel, Heinrich Schr¶der, Salomon Kohnert, Cornelis Foth, Jakob Ewert, Heinrich Bartel, Jakob Matis, and certain Guhr purchased the village from the Russian general Markow, who had received it as a reward for the military services after the Ko¶ciuszko resurrection. In 1885, the village had 14 houses and 215 morga in area. The settlements of Markowszczyzna and Syndykowszczyzna constituted one village.

Markowszczyzna used to be a linear village (it no longer exists) and was located on the area that is currently part of a military outpost. It was situated on the southern side of Vistula to the north-west of Nowy Kazuń directly by the riverbed.

E. L. Ratzlaff, Im Weichselbogen. Mennonitensiedlungen...;
SGKP, t. VI, 1885, s. 131.

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