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Dutch villages --> Mazowsze
gm. Iłów, pow. sochaczewski, woj. mazowieckie The village was settled by the Dutch colonists, probably, at the beginning of the 18th century. In 1827, it had 8 houses and 81 residents. Wola Ładowska is a linear village situated on the southern side of the Vistula near the flood-bank to the south of Szory next to two parallel dirt roads, which lead westward to the Iłów-Kamion road. Homesteads are situated on both sides of the road along an east-west line. The cultural landscape has been slightly transformed. It is in best condition in the southern section of the village - driveways, drainage canals, and trees planted on balks are visible. The buildings are modern; one example of the Dutch architecture has survived.. An object without a number is a masonry building, erected ca. 1930. It is situated in the northern section of the village on the northern side of the road (western side) along an east - west line. The building is part of a three-building homestead, which is surrounded by a net and barbed wire fence. The homestead includes a barn located on the western side parallel to the house and a shed - perpendicular to the house. The building is made of bricks bonded with cement-lime mortar - plastered on both sides. The building has a double-pitched, rafter-collar beam roof, which rests on pointing sills and is covered with sheet metal. A porch with a double-pitched roof has been added to the southern wall. The residential section is located on the eastern side and has a two-bay and four-axial interior with a centrally located modern fire system. The cowshed has been transformed - not in use. The building is preserved in good condition. SGKP, t. V, 1884, s. 568. |
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