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Dutch villages --> Mazowsze
gm. Gostynin, pow. płocki, woj. mazowieckie The village was settled by the Dutch colonists at the end of the 18th century. Ca. 1800, it had an Evangelical school. In 1827, the village had 29 houses and 125 residents, while in 1881 - 25 houses, 301 residents, 411 morga of land suitable for rye, and 60 morga of meadows. Zwoleń is a multi-street village located to the north of the Gostynin-Korzeń Królewski road. Modern and traditional buildings are located along a north-south line, on both sides of a road.
The cultural landscape has been modified. Nine houses associated with the Dutch colonization have survived. The buildings were erected before 1945 and face a street with gables. They include residential and farm sections under one roof. The buildings that have been least transformed have the following numbers: 14, 24, 25, and 58. All buildings were made of brick (plastered or not plastered) and are covered with double-pitched roofs. The buildings include a residential section (always on the eastern side) and a farm section (cowshed). The rest of the buildings in the village were erected in the post-war period or recently. No. 14 is a masonry building, erected ca. 1900; it faces east with its residential section and is positioned along an east-west line on the western side of the road. It is made of bricks bonded with cement-lime mortar - not plastered. It has a double-pitched, rafter-queen post roof, which is covered with ceramic tiles. An entrance to the residential and farm (cowshed) sections is located on the northern side. The residential section has a two-bay and three-axial interior with a centrally located fire system, which was built around a wide chimney. The building is preserved in satisfactory condition. Dzieje Gostynina...; SGKP, t. II, 1881, s. 121; M. Zbieranowski, Wypisy do słownika wsi holenderskich... |
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