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Dutch villages --> Żuławy
gm. Cedry Wielkie, pow. gdański, woj. pomorskie Until 1945 roku, Schöno.ohr und Kampe TK (Schrötter) Schönort (Endersch)
The village was founded in 1354 under the Chełmno law by Winrich von Kniprode. In 1601, the village was re-developed by Dutch colonists. In 1613, the residents paid rent from 13 włókas and 6 morgas of land. The sources from 1748 mentioned 5 Mennonites (and 11 others). In 1820, the village had 134 residents, including 4 Mennonites. In 1885, the village had 396 ha, 22 houses, and 201 residents. Village layout - a flood bank linear (Waldhufendorf) village along the Martwa Wisła and Kanał Śledziowy. The cultural landscape has partially survived. In 1986, ca. 10 homesteads still had historical buildings. Currently, there are 5 Dutch homesteads, including an angular homestead, 6 wooden houses (modified) from the beginning of the 19th and the end of the 20th centuries, 3 brick houses from the beginning of the 20th century, and a school building from 1906. A field layout, a system of draining canals, and homestead vegetation have survived. No. 35 is an angular homestead situated in the southern section of the village, on the eastern side of the flood bank by the Kanał Śledziowy, facing it with its ridge. It consists of a wooden house, a brick cowshed, and a wooden barn. The house was erected in the 4th quarter of the 19th century on a brick underpinning. It has a vertically boarded log structure, a horizontally boarded pointing sill and gable, and a queen post - purlin roof structure with an angle brace. The gable elevation has 2 axes, and a 2-level gable with a window enclosed by rectangular skylights with three-sided tops and above, two small windows with three-sided tops. Side elevations have modern masonry porches. The interior has been modified. SGKP, t.X, s. 389; Penner, s.15, 82; Lipińska,t.3- poz.13; Kizik, s. 38; AG |
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