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Dutch villages --> Żuławy
gm. Elbląg, pow. elbląski, woj. warmińsko - mazurskie Until 1945 Ellerwald Erste Trift TK (Endersch, Schrőtter), Herretrift.
In the Teutonic Knight period, the area of the present-day villages of Adamowo, Kazimierzowo, Janowo, Władysławowo, and Helenowo was covered by marshes, which after digging the Kanał Jagielloński in 1495 were converted into meadows that belonged to Stare Miasto. The development of the meadows began in 1563 when 4 causeways were built; the areas adjacent to these causeways reflected the ownership structure of Stare Miasto in Elbląg. Four hundred thirty five plots were allocated, which corresponded to each tenement house in the town. In order to develop the area, the burghers invited Dutch settlers. The Mennonites who lived in the area belonged to the Ellerwald-Elbing community. In 1776, the following Mennonite surnames were recorded as residents of the Ellerwald villages: Barg, von Bergen, Block, Brand, Brandy, Dircksen, Dick, Sens, Essau, von Riesen, Guenther, Harm, Hiebert, Isaac, Jantzen, Kieler, Kroacker, Loewen, Martens, Neufeldt, Penner, Rempel, Sawatsky, Thiessen, Thimm, Toews, Weis, Wieb, Wiebe, Wiele, Wiens, and Wilmp. In 1921, the area was inhabited by 736 Mennonites. In 1820, Władysławowo had 168 residents of whom 70 were Mennonites. At the beginning of the 20th century, the village had 588 ha and 280 residents. The village layout - a marsh row village. The cultural landscape is in decline. In 1986, 9 out of 17 original homesteads still were present. A field layout, a system of draining canals with willow rows have survived. No. 7 is a longitudinal Dutch homestead located on the
southern side of the road, facing it with the ridge. The house was erected
in the 1st half of the 19th century and modified in 1892. Until 1945, the
house belonged to Herman Nikiel. It has a log structure with quoins
covered by boards imitating Tuscan pilaster, a stone foundation, a log
attic room in the northern roof slope, vertically boarded gables, and a
wooden, queen post - purlin roof structure resting on a top plate and
ceiling beams. The interior has a 2-bay layout with uneven bays and a
divided (later) large room in the northwestern corner, a black kitchen in
the large room corner, two separate hallways - a main square hallway and a
rectangular utility hallway with a passage leading to a cowshed and
separating two spaces. The gable elevation has 3 axes, a 4-axial gable,
two windows enclosed by two smaller windows with segmented arches and a
small window with a segmented arch above. There is an attic room
(originally with a shallow balcony) with three windows with segmented
arches. The building has rich architectural detail: window frames, purlin
supports, notched ends of purlin and ceiling beams, carved ends of
planking, and onion shape of a pazdur. A cowshed and a barn have been
demolished. Kerstan, s. 199 - 209; ML, t. I, s. 548 - 550; AG IV, BF, Lipińska, t. III, poz. 73 |
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