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Dutch villages --> Żuławy
gm. Markusy, pow. elbląski, woj. warmińsko - mazurskie Until 1945 Hohenwalde TK (Endersch, Schrötter) Schwansdorf (Gotha),
Until the 14th century, the area of Krzewsk was under water. In 1631, Dutch settlers began to develop the terrain. The sources form 1776 mentioned the following Mennonites: Albrecht, Allert, Dau, Erben, Funck, Goertzen, Gruntu, Harms, Horn, Hein, Jantz, Jantzen, Martens, Niese, Philipsen, Siebert, Tetzlaff, and Wall. In 1820, the village had 258 residents, including 88 Mennonites. In 1885, the village had 721 ha of land, 52 houses, and 323 residents, including 99 Mennonites. Village layout - Waldhufendorf village on both sides of the Elbląg - Markusy road running on a causeway in a north-south line, and along a side road to Jezioro. The cultural landscape includes longitudinal and angular Dutch homesteads on terpy (usually, facing a road with their gables). Currently, the cultural landscape is in decline. Dutch homesteads are disappearing with houses being their most durable elements. New buildings have nothing in common with the historical architecture. No. 2, No. No. 48 is a house from a Dutch homestead of the
angular type (farm building have been demolished). It dates from the 1st
quarter of the 18th century and is situated on a terpa, on the southern
side of the road to Jezioro, facing it with its gable. It has a brick
underpinning, a plastered log structure, a rafter - two-collar beam roof
structure, and asbestos tile roofing. SGKP, t.X, s.297; AG IV;BF; Lipińska, t. III, poz. 138 |
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