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gm. Warszawa-Białołęka, pow. warszawski, woj. mazowieckie

Białołęka is an old gentry village that received the Chełmińskie law in 1425. The village was famous for swine-raising. In 1652, its area equaled 15.5 łan (ca. 260 ha). In 1661, the village had 38 houses; while in 1789, there were 63 houses and the village belonged to Warsaw's sword-bearer, Szamocka. In the 19th century it was included in the gm. Bródno; new homesteads and farms were being founded within its limits: Aleksandrów, Brzeziny, Annopol, Konstantynów, Marywil, Różopole, and Ustronie. In 1938, the village had approx. 600 residents and had two parts, Białołęka Dworska and Szlachecka.

In 1951, the village was incorporated into the city of Warsaw.

Dutch colonists settled in the village at the beginning of the 19th century, probably by purchasing land from Poles. Their ranks also included Mennonites, who belonged to the church in Nowy Kazuń (at the time Kazuń Niemiecki). Initially, it was a linear village situated to the east of the Vistula and to the north of Tomaszów and Białołęka Dworska.

The village has been greatly transformed as a result of urbanization.

The cemetery is located within the limits of Katarzyna Smoczyńska's farm at Szamocin 13. The site has been substantially devastated; only 8 damaged gravestones remain; the oldest one dates from 1856.

Encyklopedia Warszawy, Warszawa 1994;
E. L. Ratzlaff, Im Weichselbogen. Mennonitensiedlungen in Zentralpolen, Winnipeg 1971; SGKP, t. I, 1880, s. 190;
T. Swat, Mennonici na Mazowszu, w: Kultura ludowa Mazowsza i Podlasia, t. III, Warszawa 1999.

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