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Dutch villages --> Ziemia Kwidzyńska
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gm. Ryjewo, pow. kwidzyński, woj. pomorskie

(Do 1945 roku Schulzenwise; Böhnhof)

In the period of the rein of the Teutonic Knights, in the settlement there was a monastery farm and a forest office – mentioned in the 2nd half of the 14th century. It was probably a Dutch settlers' village, too. A village leader was said to reside in it. The 13-year-long war must have caused serious destructions, which is why in mid 16th century, in the village there were only gardeners, a news-stand and an inn. Two castle granaries were mentioned, as well. In the same century it was also described as a desolate place. Beginning from the middle of the 16th century, the area was embraced by the poviat of Sztum of the Malbork voivodship. The settlement must have also suffered a serious destruction during the wars with Sweden, as in 1664, it was only inhabited by two gardeners: Michał Kuta and Stach Spit. In the 17th century it was merged with the settlement of Tralewo. Currently, one of the village parts is also settlement Schulzenwise, mentioned in 1380 as pastures leased to the leaders of the villages situated on the Sztum upland. In the period of the Prussian rule, in the times of partition of Poland, the village was part of the poviat of Sztum in the Kwidzyn Regency.

A village situated on the right bank of the Vistula, in the northern part of the Kwidzyn Lowland, about 8 km south-west of Sztum. Benowo village was probably originally arranged along streets. The settlement of Schulzenwise was arranged in rows.

The cultural landscape preserved in a good condition. Clear and unchanged layout of the settlement, fields and roads. Preserved drainage ditches dividing particular fields and partly tree-covered areas in the fields.

The relics of the village include the church dedicated to the Blessed Heart of Jesus and the Annunciation dated back to the 1880-ties, as well as masonry developments from the turn of the 19th century

SGKP, t. 1, s. 133; B. Schmid, Die Bau–und Kunstdenkmäler der Prowinz Westpreussen, Bd. 3, H. 13, Kreis Stuhm, Danzig 1909,s. 324; Opis królewszczyzn w województwach chełmińskim, pomorskim i malborskim w roku 1664, wyd. J. Paczkowski, Fontes 32, TNT, Toruń 1938, s. 142; Lustracja województwa pomorskiego 1565, wyd. S. Choszowski, Gdańsk 1961, s. 80; Lustracja województw malborskiego i chełmińskiego 1570, wyd. S. Hoszowski, Gdańsk 1962, s. 65.

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