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Dutch villages --> Mazowsze
Następna miejscowo¶ć Next village
Map of district

gm. Iłów, pow. sochaczewski, woj. mazowieckie

The settlement of Dutch on the islet is associated with colonization of the neighboring areas. The settlers were imported by the Sochaczew castellan Adam Lasocki in 1789 and settled on 1 włóka and 10 morga of land. In 1887, the islet was inhabited by 21 residents, who cultivated 65 morga of land. The settlers' descendants remained on the islet until WWII. As a result of the riverbed shift, the islet ceased to exist in 1969.

Originally, Kępa was located in the Vistula river bed parallel to the village of Rakowo (from the north) and Pieczyska Iłowskie (from the south).

AGAD, Księgi Ziemskie Gostynińsko-G±bińskie. Księga 4. Recog et Oblatei 1788-1791, s. 271;
SGKP, t. VIII, s. 75.

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