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About author

Maciej Prarat Conservator of monuments, expert in historic monuments.
Graduate of the Protection of Culture Values specialisation of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolas Copernicus University (2006).
At present he is working on a PhD degree at this same faculty, preparing a thesis on the homestead architecture of the Bend of the Lower Vistula, under the tutelage of Professor Marian Arszyński and PhD Jan Święch.
The scope of research interest of Maciej Prarat includes also the issues of rural planning, town planning and the anthropology of culture. Holder of the scholarship granted by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage (2007).

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Articles: Poland | Małopolska | Mazowsze | Ziemia Łęczycka | Żuławy | Nizina Sartowicko-Nowska | Ziemia Kwidzyńska | Ziemia Walichnowska | Ziemia Sieradzka | Ziemia Wieluńska

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